Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Alphabetical Index: Author Index:

[Info] Vaage, Margrethe B. The Female Avenger, Women’s Anger and Rape-Revenge Film and Television: Rape-Revenge and Women’s Anger. Edinburgh 2024.

[Info] Vacher, Carole, et al. »Les viols pendant le génocide des Tutsi: Un crime d'envie.« Remembering Mass Violence: Oral History, New Media, and Performance. Edited by Steven High et al. Toronto 2014: 282-296.

[Info] Vachss, Andrew. »Comment on "The Universality of Incest".« Journal of Psychohistory 19 (1991): 219-220.

[Info] Vaförs Fritz, Marie, et al. »Characteristics of convicted male-on-female rapists in the South of Sweden between 2013 and 2018: A pilot study.« Forensic Sciences Research (May 25, 2020).

[Info] Vaishnavi, P., et al. »Traumatic Views in Khaled Hossein's Novel The Kite RunnerPurakala 31 (2020): 1286-1290.

[Info] Valanzola, Ashley. »Student disclosure: The aftermath of teaching about sexual violence in the classroom.« Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies (April 28, 2021).

[Info] Valdez, Elena. »Writing the Feminine: The Representation of Women in Contemporary Dominican Visual Art.« Small Axe 21 (2017): 127-141.

[Info] Valdez, Flor de María, et al. Reflexiones sobre el marco jurídico sobre la violencia sexual antes, durante y después del conflicto armado interno peruano. Lima 2006.

[Info] Valdivia Orozco, Pablo. »‘Eine unversöhnte Marquise von O…: Über eine Allegorie sexueller Gewalt bei Héctor Abad Faciolince und Heinrich von Kleist.« Kleist-Jahrbuch (2022): 195-213.

[Info] Valente, Joseph, et al. The Child Sex Scandal and Modern Irish Literature: Writing the Unspeakable. Bloomington 2020.

[Info] Valente, Sharon. »Child Abuse: Ritual.« Violence in America: An Encyclopedia. Vol. 1. Edited by Ronald Gottesman. New York 1999: 222-223.

[Info] Valentich, Mary, et al. »Ideological Perspectives on the Sexual Assault of Women.« Social Service Review 58 (1984): 448-461.

[Info] Valenzuela Cáceres, Marcelo Enrique. Actos no dignos de nombrar: El delito de sodomía en el Chile moderno 1875-1907. Tesis Magíster, Universidad de Concepción, 2013.

[Info] Valenzuela Cáceres, Marcelo E. La sodomía en Chile (1875-1928): Una perspectiva desde la criminalidad y la ciencia. Tesis doctoral, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2019.

[Info] Valenzuela Cáceres, Marcelo. »La sodomía en Chile (1885-1903).« Anos 90 29 (2022): 1-20.

[Info] Valk, Anne M. Radical Sisters: Second-Wave Feminism and Black Liberation in Washington, D.C. Urbana 2008.

[Info] Vallier, Dora, ed. Actes d'un procès pour viol en 1612: Suivis des lettres de Artemisia Gentileschi. Paris 1983.

[Info] Van Boeschoten, Riki. »The Trauma of War Rape: A Comparative View on the Bosnian Conflict and the Greek Civil War.« History and Anthropology 14 (2003): 41-54.

[Info] van Boetzelaer, T. Between Nation and Gender: The representation of former military Comfort Women in the Netherlands and South Korea. Master Thesis, Leiden University, 2016.

[Info] Van Cleave, Rachel A. »Sex, Lies, and Honor in Italian Rape Law.« Suffolk University Law Review 38 (2005): 427-454.

[Info] Van Cleave, Rachel A. »Rape and the Querela in Italy: False Protection of Victim Agency.« Michigan Journal of Gender & Law 13 (2007): 273-310.

[Info] Van Cleave, Rachel A. »Renaissance Redux? Chastity and Punishment in Italian Rape Law.« Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 6 (2008): 335-350.

[Info] van de Pijpekamp, Maaike, et al. »Rousseau on the Education, Domination and Violation of Women.« British Journal of Educational Studies 42 (1994): 115-132.

[Info] van den Herik, Larissa, et al., eds. Sexual Violence as an International Crime: Interdisciplinary Approaches. Cambridge 2013.

[Info] van der Hart, Onno, et al. »Memories of Sexual Abuse: Janet's Critique of Freud, A Balanced Approach.« Psychological Reports 82 (1998): 1027-1043.

[Info] van der Heijden, Manon. »Le donne come vittime della violenza sessuale e domestica nell'Olanda del XVII secolo: Processie per stupro, incesto e maltrattamenti a Rotterdam e Delft.« Criminalità, giustizia penale e ordine pubblico nell'Europa moderna. Edited by Luigi Cajani. Milan 1997: 141-170.

[Info] van der Heijden, Manon. »Women as Victims of Sexual and Domestic Violence in Seventeenth-Century Holland: Criminal Cases of Rape, Incest, and Maltreatment in Rotterdam and Delft.« Journal of Social History 33 (2000): 623-644.

[Info] van der Heijden, Manon. Misdadige vrouwen: Criminaliteit en rechtspraak in Holland 1600-1800. Amsterdam 2014.

[Info] van der Heijden, Manon, et al. »Leniency versus Toughening? The Prosecution of Male and Female Violence in 19th Century Holland.« Journal of Social History 49 (2015): 149-167.

[Info] van der Heijden, Manon. Women and Crime in Early Modern Holland. Leiden 2016.

[Info] van der Meer, Theo. »Eugenic and sexual folklores and the castration of sex offenders in the Netherlands (1938-1968).« Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 39 (2008): 195-204.

[Info] van der Meer, Theo. »Voluntary and therapeutic castration of sex offenders in The Netherlands (1938-1968).« International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 37 (2014): 50-62.

[Info] van der Walt, Charlene. »Hearing Tamar's voice: How the margin hears differently. Contextual readings of 2 Samuel 13:1-22.« lectio difficilior No. 2 (2011).

[Info] van der Westhuizen, Renate. Rape as Torture: Re-reading the Rape of the Levite's Concubine in Judges 19. M.Th. Thesis, Stellenbosch University, 2016.

[Info] van der Westhuizen, Renate. »The Rape of the Levite's Concubine and Karoo Moose: Pedagogical Tools in Transforming a Rape Culture.« Teaching for Change: Essays on Pedagogy, Gender and Theology in Africa. Edited by L. Juliana Claassens et al. Stellenbosch 2019: 25-38.

[Info] van Dijk-Hemmes, Fokkelien. »Tamar and the Limits of Patriarchy: Between Rape and Seduction (2 Samuel 13 and Genesis 38).« Anti-Covenant: Counter-Reading Women's Lives in the Hebrew Bible. Edited by Mieke Bal. Sheffield 1989: 135-156.

[Info] van Duin, Esther M., et al. »Sexual abuse in very young children: A psychological assessment in the Amsterdam Sexual Abuse Case study.« European Journal of Psychotraumatology 9 (2018): 1-13.

[Info] van Duin, Esther M., et al. »A Longitudinal Study in Worrisome Sexual Behavior Following Sexual Abuse in Infancy or Early Childhood: The Amsterdam Sexual Abuse Case.« Child Psychiatry & Human Development 52 (2021): 891-902.

[Info] van Duin, Esther M., et al. »The Amsterdam Sexual Abuse Case: What Scars did it Leave? Long-Term Course of Psychological Problems for Children Who have been Sexually Abused at a Very Young Age, and their Parents.« Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma (March 31, 2023).

[Info] Van Ee, Elisa, et al. »Growing Up under a Shadow: Key Issues in Research on and Treatment of Children Born of Rape.« Child Abuse Review 22 (2013): 386-397.

[Info] van Eickels, Klaus. »Jenseits von Homophobie und Heteronormativität: Die divergente Wahrnehmung von mann-männlicher Nähe und homosexuellen Handlungen in vormodernen Gesellschaften.« Sodomiter, Päderasten, Homosexuelle: Mann-männliches Begehren und homosexuelles Handeln von der Antike bis zur Ehe für alle. Edited by Klaus van Eickels et al. Bamberg 2024: 11-82.

[Info] van Gelder, Geert J. »Sexual Violence in Verse: The Case of Ji'thin, al-Farazdaq's Sister.« Violence in Islamic Thought from the Qur'ān to the Mongols. Edited by Robert Gleave et al. Edinburgh 2015: 175-190.

[Info] van Haute, Philippe. »Waarom Kant de pedofilie niet kent: Een foucaultiaanse hypothese.« Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 57 (2017): 126-135.

[Info] van Hooff, Anton. »Vergewaltigung.« Antike Medizin: Ein Lexikon. Edited by Karl-Heinz Leven. Munich 2005: 895-896.

[Info] van Isterdael, H. »Arbeid en seksualiteit: Een onderzoek naar de seksuele agressie op het vrouwelijk dienstpersoneel in het Ancien Régime.« Arbeid in veelvoud: Een huldeboek aangeboden aan Prof. Dr. J. Craeybeckx en Prof. Dr. E. Scholliers van de Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Edited by Els Witte et al. Brussels 1988: 113-122.

[Info] van Kerkhof, Judith. Bollywood's Rape Myth? Een inhoudsanalyse naar de portrettering van seksueel geweld in populaire Bollywoodfilms. Master Thesis, University of Amsterdam, 2013.

[Info] van Loon, A.J. Law and Order in Ancient Egypt: The Development of Criminal Justice from the Pharaonic New Kingdom until the Roman Dominate. M.A. Thesis, Leiden University, 2014.

[Info] Van Roost, Kaya, et al. »Changes in statutory rape laws across the United States from 2000 to 2021.« Preprint (August 2024).

[Info] van Ryswyk, Jami, et al. »Rape on campus: Numbers tell less than half the story.« Sex without consent: Rape and sexual coercion in America. Edited by Merril D. Smith. New York 2001: 283-300.

[Info] Van Slingerland, Peter. Something Terrible Has Happened. New York 1966.

[Info] van Wijk, Anton, et al. Historical Abuse Cases in SOS Children's Villages Suriname: Research Report Driebergen-Rijsenburg 2023.

[Info] van Wolde, Ellen J. »The Dinah story: Rape or worse?« Old Testament essays 15 (2002): 225-239.

[Info] van Wolde, Ellen J. »Does 'innâ denote rape? A semantic analysis of a controversial word.« Vetus Testamentum 52 (2002): 528-544.

[Info] van Wyk Smith, M. »Rape and the Foundation of Nations in J. M. Coetzee's DisgraceEnglish in Africa 41 (2014): 13-34.

[Info] Van Zandt, David E. Living in the Children of God. Princeton 1991.

[Info] Vance, Sidney. »Contending with the Masculinist Traditions: 'Sundiata's' Sogolon and the Wife of Bath.« Global Perspectives on Teaching Literature: Shared Visions and Distinctive Visions. Edited by Sandra W. Lott et al. Urbana 1993: 101-108.

[Info] Vander Ven, Thomas, et al. »American Serial Rape, 1940-2010: An Estimation and Analysis of the Social Profile of Offenders, Styles of Attack, and Historical Trends as Depicted in Newspaper Accounts.« Criminal Justice Review (October 7, 2016).

[Info] Vandermassen, Griet. »Evolution and Rape: A Feminist Darwinian Perspective.« Sex Roles 64 (2011): 732-747.

[Info] Vanderpyl, Jane. Aspiring for unity and equality: Dynamics of conflict and change in the 'by women for women' feminist service groups, Aotearoa/New Zealand (1970-1999). Ph.D. Thesis, University of Auckland, 2004.

[Info] Vanderwood, Paul J. Juan Soldado: Rapist, Murderer, Martyr, Saint. Durham 2004.

[Info] Vandiver, Margaret. »More Than a Reasonable Doubt: The Trial and Execution of Frank Ewing.« Wrongly Convicted: Perspectives on Failed Justice. Edited by Saundra D. Westervelt et al. New Brunswick 2001: 135-153.

[Info] Vann, Michael G. »Sex and the Colonial City: Mapping Masculinity, Whiteness, and Desire in French Occupied Hanoi.« Journal of World History 28 (2017): 395-435.

[Info] Vann Orr, Darah P. A Roman Rape Culture: Sexual Violence in Augustan Era Rome Ph.D. Thesis, University of Houston, 2023.

[Info] VanRooyen, Michael, et al. »Militarized Sexual Violence in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo.« Journal of Interpersonal Violence 28 (2013): 340-358.

[Info] Varea, Valeria, et al. »Surviving child sexual abuse in women's artistic gymnastics: 'It's beautiful, because had I stayed in the past, I wouldn't have evolved as a person'.« International Review for the Sociology of Sport (December 6, 2023).

[Info] Varela, Cecilia I. »Del tráfico de las mujeres al tráfico de las políticas: Apuntes para una historia del movimiento anti-trata en la Argentina (1998-2008).« Publicar 10 (2012): 35-64.

[Info] Vargas, Maria E. Forensic Injustice: Human Rights, Archival Science and Racialized Feminicide in Guatemala. Thesis, University of Maryland, 2016.

[Info] Vargas, Maria. »Documentation as Erasure: Interrogating the Absences of Operation Sofia and the Death Squad Dossier.« War and Sexual Violence: New Perspectives in a New Era. Edited by Sarah K. Danielsson. Paderborn 2019: 221-241.

[Info] Varghese, Ashitha, et al. »Violence and Sexual Abuse Against Women in Manju Kapur's Difficult Daughters, A Married Woman and HomeOur Heritage 68 (2020): 7256-7268.

[Info] Varghese, Bindhu. »Dirty little secrets. Sexual slavery during WWII: A case study on the comfort women.« International affairs journal at UC Davis 2 (2005).

[Info] Varholy, Cristine M. »“But She Woulde Not Consent”: Women’s Narratives of Sexual Assault and Compulsion in Early Modern London.« Violence, Politics, and Gender in Early Modern England. Edited by Joseph P. Ward. New York 2008: 41-65.

[Info] Varma, Rashmi. »(Un)Modifying India: Nationalism, Sexual Violence and the Politics of Hindutva.« Feminist Dissent No. 2 (2017): 57-83.

[Info] Varo Zafra, Juan. »El estupro en el Antiguo Régimen: De la sórdida realidad de las alegaciones judiciales a la estilización literaria.« Tiempos Modernos No. 41 (2020): 371-387.

[Info] Varrasso, Bridget. »Sexual Violence Perpetrated against Women in War.« Perspective 6 (2012): 46-51.

[Info] Varty, Kenneth. »The giving and withholding of consent in late twelfth-century French literature.« Reading medieval studies 12 (1986): 27-49.

[Info] Varty, Kenneth, et al. »Le viol dans l'Ysengrimus, les branches II-Va, et la branche I du Roman de Renart, et dans le Reinhart Fuchs d'Heinrich von Glichezare.« Amour, mariage et transgressions au Moyen Âge. Actes du colloque des 24-27 mars 1983. Edited by Danielle Buschinger et al. Göppingen 1984: 411-424.

[Info] Varughese, E. Dawson. »Neelima P. Aryan's 'the prey' from Drawing the Line: A graphic narrative response to the Delhi gang rape.« Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 9 (2018): 251-263.

[Info] Vasco Mora, Daniel J. La Graduación y Acumulación de Penas en los Delitos de Violación Sexual con Muerte, en la Legislación Penal Ecuatoriana. Tesis de Abogacía, Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes, 2012.

[Info] Vasconcelos, Tania M.P. »"As Filhas da Mãe": Representações do Feminino em Processos Judiciais por Crime de Sedução e Estupro em Jacobina, Bahia (1940-1960).« Diálogo No. 25 (2014): 91-105.

[Info] Vasconcelos, Tania M.P. »"A família ameaçada": Relações familiares em processos judiciais de rapto consensual e sedução em Jacobina – BA (1940-1960).« Anais do Seminário Enlaçando Sexualidades 4 (2015).

[Info] Vasileiou, Margaret R. »Violence, Visual Metaphor, and the "True" LucreceSEL 51 (2011): 47-63.

[Info] Vassallo, Jacqueline. »Deseo, amor y pecado: Mujeres solicitadas en Córdoba del Tucumán (siglo XVIII).« Revista Dos Puntas 9 (2017): 41-63.

[Info] Vassallo, Marta, ed. Grietas en el silencio: Una investigación sobre la violencia sexual en el marco del terrorismo de Estado. Rosario 2011.

[Info] Vasvári, Louise O. »Festive Phallic Discourse in the "Libro del Arcipreste".« La corónica 22 (1994): 89-117.

[Info] Vasvári, Louise. »The Story of Griselda As Silenced Incest Narrative.« La corónica 39 (2007): 139-156.

[Info] Vatanen, Tiina. Moitteetonta käytöstä sotatoimialueella? Suomalaissotilaiden seksuaalirikokset Karjalassa jatkosodan aikana 1941-44. Master Thesis, Itä-Suomen yliopisto, 2010.

[Info] Vatsa, Rajendra S. »The movement against infant-marriages in India 1860-1914.« Journal of Indian history 49 (1971): 289-303.

[Info] Vatuk, Ved P., et al. »The Lustful Stepmother in the Folklore of Northwestern India.« Journal of South Asian Literature 11 (1975): 19-43.

[Info] Vatuk, Ved P. Studies in Indian Folk Traditions. New Dehli 1979.

[Info] Vaughn, Michael S. A Longitudinal Analysis of Japanese Crime, 1926 to 1988: Penal Code Offenses, Juvenile Arrests, and Relationships to Unemployment. Education Specialist, Central Missouri State University, 1990.

[Info] Vaughn, Michael S., et al. »A Longitudinal Analysis of Japanese Crime From 1926 to 1987: The Pre-War, War, and Post-War Eras.« International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice 14 (1990): 145-169.

[Info] Vaughn, Thomas. »Voices of sexual distortion: Rape, birth, and self-annihilation metaphors in the Alien trilogyQuarterly journal of speech 81 (1995): 423-435.

[Info] Vecchiato, Daniele. »Staging Consent and Threatened Masculinity: The Debate on #MeToo in Contemporary German Theater.« German #MeToo: Rape Cultures and Resistance, 1770-2020. Edited by Elisabeth Krimmer et al. Rochester 2022: 302-318.

[Info] Vecchio, Giorgio, et al. »La violenza sulle donne, dal tabù storiografico alle nuove ricerche. L’Italia 1943-45.« Dalle storie alla Storia. La dittatura, la guerra, le privazioni, la paura nel vissuto delle donne e degli inermi. Edited by Bruna Franceschini. Brescia 2007: 81-118.

[Info] Vega, Bernardo, ed. Trujillo ante una corte marcial por violaci n y extorsi n en 1920. Santo Domingo 1995.

[Info] Vega Núñz, Richard E. Agresiones sexuales como arma de guerra en el conflicto armado colombiano: Elemento subjetivo del tipo. Maestría en Derecho Procesal Penal, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada 2015.

[Info] Vekeman, Famke. Seksueel geweld in het gerechtelijk arrondissement Antwerpen 1890-1930. Eeen bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van de seksuele mentaliteit en de machtsverhouding tussen man en vrouw in wetgeving, rechtspraak en dagelijks leven. Dissertation, Universiteit Gent, 2004.

[Info] Veld, Laurike in 't. »Reading presence and absence in Fax from Sarajevo's rape narrative.« Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 9 (2018): 214-228.

[Info] Veld, Laurike in 't. The Representation of Genocide in Graphic Novels: Considering the Role of Kitsch. Cham 2019.

[Info] Vella, Louise. »Documenting Women's Experiences of Conflict and Sexual Violence: On the Ground with the Solomon Islands Truth and Reconciliation Commission.« Transitional Justice in Practice: Conflict, Justice, and Reconciliation in the Solomon Islands. Edited by Renée Jeffery. New York 2017: 141-169.

[Info] Velle, Karel. »Zevergem in rep en roer. Het proces tegen de pedofiele dorpsonderwijzer, anno 1860.« Heemkring Scheldeveld 26 (1997): 61-74.

[Info] Velle, Karel, et al. »Seksuele delinquentie in het onderwijsmilieu. Pedofiele onderwijzers in de 19de eeuw. Casus: Oost- en West-Vlaandern.« Belgisch tijdschrift voor nieuwste geschiedenis 28 (1998): 293-337.

[Info] Vendetti, Maria. Le Retour de 'La Question': Torture, memory and narrative in contemporary French literature. Ph.D. Thesis, University of California at Berkeley, 2013.

[Info] Vendetti, Maria. »"Quel étranger ici ne se sent pas chez lui?": Leïla Marouane and the Pathology of Failed Integration.« Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association 49 (2016): 111-136.

[Info] Vendetti, Maria. »Testimonial texts of torture during the Algerian War: Paratexts and the obscene.« French Cultural Studies 29 (2018): 177-189.

[Info] Venema, Rachel M., et al. »Unfounded, Cleared, or Cleared by Exceptional Means: Sexual Assault Case Outcomes From 1999 to 2014.« Journal of Interpersonal Violence (September 21, 2019).

[Info] Venkatachalapathy, A.R., et al. »On Gandhi, Mayo and Emilsen.« South Asia 12 (1989): 83-88.

[Info] Venson, Anamaria M. Tráfico internacional de pessoas para exploração sexual? Uma análise de processos-crime (1995-2012). Tese (doutorado), Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2015.

[Info] Venson, Anamaria M. »Tráfico de pessoas para exploração sexual? Uma análise de processos-crime (1995-2012).« Revista Estudos Feministas 25 (2017): 571-591.

[Info] Ventura, Isabel. Medusa no Pal cio da Justi a: Imagens sobre mulheres, sexualidade e viol ncia a partir dos discursos e pr ticas judiciais. Tese de Doutoramento, Universidade do Minho, 2016.

[Info] Ventura, Isabel. Medusa no Palácio da Justiça ou Uma História da Violação Sexual. Lisbon 2018.

[Info] Venturoli, Cinzia. »La violenza taciuta. Percorsi di ricerca sugli abusi sessuali fra il passaggio e l'arrestarsi del fronte.« Donne, guerra, politica. Esperienza e memorie della resistenza. Edited by Dianella Gagliani et al. Bologna 2000: 111-130.

[Info] Verhoeff, Arnoud P., et al. »Sexual abuse in very young children: A psychological assessment in the Amsterdam Sexual Abuse Case study.« European Journal of Psychotraumatology 9 (2018): 1-13.

[Info] Verhoeff, Arnoud P., et al. »A Longitudinal Study in Worrisome Sexual Behavior Following Sexual Abuse in Infancy or Early Childhood: The Amsterdam Sexual Abuse Case.« Child Psychiatry & Human Development 52 (2021): 891-902.

[Info] Verhoeff, Arnoud P., et al. »The Amsterdam Sexual Abuse Case: What Scars did it Leave? Long-Term Course of Psychological Problems for Children Who have been Sexually Abused at a Very Young Age, and their Parents.« Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma (March 31, 2023).

[Info] Verhoeven, Tim. »The Satyriasis Diagnosis: Anti-Clerical Doctors and Celibate Priests in Nineteenth-Century France.« French History 26 (2012): 504-523.

[Info] Verhoeven, Timothy. »Pathologizing Male Desire: Satyriasis, Masculinity, and Modern Civilization at the Fin de Si cle.« Journal of the History of Sexuality 24 (2015): 25-45.

[Info] Verhoeven, Timothy. Sexual Crime, Religion and Masculinity in fin-de-si cle France: The Flamidien Affair. Cham 2018.

[Info] Verhoeven, Ursula. »Eine Vergewaltigung? Vom Umgang mit einer Textstelle des Naos von El Arish (Tefnut-Studien I).« Religion und Philosophie im Alten Ägypten: Festgabe für Philippe Derchain zu seinem 65. Geburtstag am 24. Juli 1991. Edited by Ursula Verhoeven et al. Leuven 1991: 319-330.

[Info] Verlinden, Eva, et al. »Sexual abuse in very young children: A psychological assessment in the Amsterdam Sexual Abuse Case study.« European Journal of Psychotraumatology 9 (2018): 1-13.

[Info] Verlinden, Eva, et al. »A Longitudinal Study in Worrisome Sexual Behavior Following Sexual Abuse in Infancy or Early Childhood: The Amsterdam Sexual Abuse Case.« Child Psychiatry & Human Development 52 (2021): 891-902.

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[Info] Verma, Khushboo, et al. »“Was There Any Martyrdom Worse Than This?”: Literary and Television Representations of “Comfort Women” of World War II.« Literature & Aesthetics 34 (2024): 127-136.

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[Info] Verreycken, Quentin. »Le soldat face au sacré: La lutte contre le viol des femmes et des lieux saints dans les armées de Charles le Hardi (1465-1477), moyen de promotion d’un nouveau modèle de comportement des gens de guerre ?« Le soldat face au clerc: Armée et religion en Europe occidentale (XVe-XIXe siècle). Edited by Laurent Jalabert et al. Rennes 2016: 164-179.

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[Info] Veszprémy, László. »A Gertrúd királyné kerítő szerepéről kialakult legenda jogi hátteréről.« Scripta manent. Ünnepi tanulmányok a 60. életévét betöltött Gerics József professzor tiszteletére. Edited by István Draskóczy. Budapest 1994: 81-84.

[Info] Veysey, Bonita M., et al. »A Preliminary Step Towards Evaluating the Impact of Megan's Law: A Trend Analysis of Sexual Offenses in New Jersey from 1985 to 2005.« Justice Research and Policy 10 (2008): 1-18.

[Info] Viano, Emilio C. »Rape and the law in the United States. An historical and sociological analysis.« International journal of criminology and penology 2 (1974): 317-328.

[Info] Vickers, A. Leah, et al. »Pop sociobiology reborn. The evolutionary psychology of sex and psychology.« Evolution, gender, and rape. Edited by Cheryl B. Travis. Cambridge 2003: 139-168.

[Info] Vickers, Edward. »Commemorating "comfort women" beyond Korea: The Chinese case.« Remembering Asia's World War Two. Edited by Mark R. Frost et al. London 2019: 174-207.

[Info] Vickers, Susan, et al. »The Second Wave: An Agenda for the Next Thirty Years of Rape Law Reform.« Suffolk University Law Review 38 (2005): 467-491.

[Info] Victoor, Amanda. An 'Other' Woman's Rape: Abjection and Objection in Representations of War Rape Victims in the DRC. M.A. Thesis, Queen's University, 2010.

[Info] Victoor, Amanda. An 'Other' Woman's Rape: Abjection and Objection in Representations of War Rape Victims in the DRC. M.A. Thesis, Queen's University, 2011.

[Info] Viehbeck, Vanessa. »The freshman swimmer and the intoxicated woman: Sexist discourse in news coverage of the Stanford rape case.« Pragmatics and Society 11 (2020): 363-390.

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